Why did you convert the Walk for Water to a virtual walk?
The safety of our participants is our top priority. Due to the concerns related to large group gatherings and the COVID-19 virus, the 2020 Walk for Water will now be a virtual walk, giving you the flexibility to walk wherever and whenever you would like. 

What is a virtual walk?

​A virtual walk is a walk that takes place in multiple locations and participants are united by a common purpose. We encourage you to walk a 3-mile route in your neighborhood, around your office building, or in your local community, as you consider those who make that walk daily to retrieve water for their family. You can help generate awareness for the global water crisis by taking a photo in your walk shirt and posting it on social media. Take a look at our virtual walk resources here.

When is the virtual walk?
​The virtual 2020 Walk for Water will take place on Saturday, March 21. We encourage participants to walk on this day in their local community. If this date is not feasible, we welcome participants to walk and raise funds whenever is most convenient.

Where is the virtual walk?
The virtual 2020 Walk for Water can take place in any location. This could be in your local neighborhood, around your office building or in your local community.

I've already registered for the physical walk. Where do my donations go? What about donations others gave on my behalf? 
All registration fees and donations given for the physical 2020 Walk for Water and the virtual 2020 Walk for Water go directly to providing access to clean, safe water in communities around the world.

What is your refund policy?
The Walk for Water is not canceled but shifted to a virtual Walk. Your registration fee and donations still go directly to providing access to clean, safe water in communities around the world. As we try to prioritize your health and safety amid the uncertainties of COVID-19, we thank you for your flexibility in this event shift. If you have questions about your registration fee or the donations given to the walk, please Water Mission at 843-769-7395 or email donorcare@watermission.org.

Will I still get a t-shirt?
​Yes! Shirt pick up for registered participants will take place at Water Mission (1150 Kinzer Street, North Charleston) on the following days:

Tuesday, March 17: from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday, March 18: from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Thursday, March 19: from 11 a.m. - 7p.m.

If you are not able to pick up your shirt during the allotted times, please contact Water Mission at 843.769.7395 or at walk@watermission.org.

Can I still register for the virtual Walk and get a t-shirt? 
Yes, you may register for the virtual Walk for Water through Saturday, March 21. Go to www.charlestonwalk.org. Once registered, you are welcome to pick up your t-shirt at the listed location and time. If you register after our set t-shirt pick-up times, you can contact Water Mission at 843-769-7395 or at walk@watermission.org the week after the Walk and arrange for pick-up.

How do I share about the virtual walk? 
We encourage you to post photos of your virtual walk to your social media accounts. Please tag Water Mission and use #2020VirtualWalkCHS. There will be prizes will be associated with social media posts, raising funds wins, and team building activities!

Why should I raise funds? 
The Walk for Water provides an opportunity to help raise awareness and support for Water Mission's ongoing efforts to fight the global water crisis. Your friends, family, co-workers, and classmates care about what you care about, and they want a way to do something that's bigger than themselves. So, why not raise funds? We provide you with all the tools you need to be successful in telling our story and raising funds. Download our toolkit here and view our virtual walk resources here.

How much does registration cost? 
Virtual Adults (Ages 18 and up): $25.00
Virtual Youth (Ages 5-17): $10
Virtual Children (Ages 4 and under): FREE

Can I join a team after I’ve already registered?
Yes. Please email walk@watermission.org to be added to a team.

Who do I contact for more information?
Call Water Mission at 843.769.7395 or email walk@watermission.org



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         The Crosby Family

Daniel Island Employee Advised Fund 

Tom Gaye